Departing Points

A striking element of actor training in the twentieth century is the degree of integration between purely physical training and its application to concerns specific to acting. Many of these approaches share what Meyerhold called the principle of totality, or, in exercise science, a compound movement, the entire body being involved in every single physical movement; involving a concern of the center of gravity, tension, release, and rhythm of movement, balanced by internal reflection’.

Using the premise that presence is the link between all forms, Departing Points traces practical exercises explored in the last twenty years of teaching around the world and identifies commonalities between movement studies in theatrical and non-theatrical disciplines, with an aim to create an anthology of points of convergence for conventionally isolated disciplines. This book aims to contribute to the sustainability of a movement practice for groups in theatre companies working to maintain sensitivity to movement, while undertaking a process of active research both individually and as an ensemble to discover their own unique approach.

This is an abridged draft opening of book we are planning to write,  including original photographs and exercises. Here we offer an English and a Japanese version available for download.